Friday, June 02, 2006


Zahir - ud - din Muhammad

so it catches your attention.... don't think too hard its the real name of Babur (the lion)

He was able to plant his foot in India because hindus post sultanate's attrocities and relegious partiality gave way to Babur (though he was also muslim but for better future, they thought and their guess was right)

Babur the desendent of Timur and Genghis Khan! so what was expected of him.

But he was just a guest who later took our own home, for good or bad lord knows. An excellent strategician with a brave heart. Sure he did every thing like what genghiz khan would have done but he was different. to quote an example he laid the Ram Bagh in memory of the victory.

I realised that he was like every great king should be .... a person with vision, plans and firm foot but he had one weak link ....... Humayun.

The legend goes that Humayun was close to death... babur prayed to lord and ask him to take his life instead of Humayun's. I personally don't know any son who is worth this wish.

His prayers were accepted and lord gave health to humayun and took Babur.

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